About Andrew K. Johnston…

Kody Johnston is the author of “The Adventures of Bo and Mr. Quillery,” a child-friendly animal fantasy that is made with purpose.

He invites you to step into a world where ordinary animals become extraordinary heroes! Inspired by past and present pets, Kody's stories blend the charm of country life with the thrills of Western adventure, with the aim of growing the inner-hero in every child's heart.

His tales are more than just exciting escapades; they're journeys of character building, where virtues triumph and the forces of light shatter the forces of darkness. When he's not crafting these inspiring narratives with the help of his children, you might find this tech-loving author building technology, homeschooling his kids, gardening, or exploring the realms of fantasy—much like the heroes of his favorite books, Redwall, Narnia, The Stormlight Archives, and Lord of the Rings.

With a Master's Degree in Nursing and a lifelong passion for kid-friendly virtuous fantasy and world-building, Kody brings a unique blend of righteous imagination to his writing. "The Lost Chick" marks his debut as a children's author and the first book in the "Adventures of Bo and Mr. Quillery" series.

Kody lives in Waco, Texas, with his incredible wife, Erin, and their four children, Aven, Arden, Waverley, and Felicity.

Bo and Mr. Quillery

The Origin Story

It started in March 2020…

My family and I felt led to move to the rolling plains of Waco, Texas, to help with my parents' farm. Little did we know, a national COVID-19 lockdown was going to be declared the very next day! Unloading the moving truck, I remember thinking, "What just happened?" The stress of my nursing job, coupled with the move, was a becoming a whirlwind.

Shortly after beginning to settle, a stray Great Pyrenees wandered onto our property. We had no pets, so his arrival was a curious blessing. He became a source of comfort and protection for my wife and children during our isolation. Always walking with us, playing with my kids, and providing unfailing love. We called him Bo.

Around the same time, I began raising northern bobwhite quail (feel free to laugh). It was awesome and I had a blast. Mr. Quillery, a unique male bird among my flock, stood out with his quirky behaviors.

Amidst the chaos, Bo and Mr. Quillery were unexpected blessings. Though they are no longer with us due to the effects of their age and time, they remain in my families heart and memories.

Fast forward to 2023. I randomly began creating bedtime stories about Bo and Mr. Quillery for my four kids. These weren't just any stories; they were humorous, courageous, and heartwarming adventures. My children were captivated, their imaginations ignited by these two heroes.

One day, my daughter told me, “Daddy, you must tell other children about Bo and Mr. Quillery!” It surprised me a bit as I put my desires to write on hold…but I thought about it more.

After much prayer and consideration, I realized this was a way to fulfill my family's vision to impact children in future generations for good.

Fueled by my love of writing, my experience narrating audio books (the Lost Chick being my third), and countless hours spent world-building, I decided to self-publish "The Adventures of Bo and Mr. Quillery."

These stories, born out of a time of uncertainty and isolation, are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of faith, and the enduring magic of virtuous storytelling. Bo and Mr. Quillery, though they may have been just a dog and a quail, represent something far greater to me: the unwavering belief in goodness, the courage to face the unknown, and the enduring strength of friendship.

Just like Bo, who wandered in from the vast Texas plains, and Mr. Quillery, who stood out with his quirky spirit, these stories are a reminder that even in the most unexpected places, we can find extraordinary moments of grace and connection if only we would slow down to notice. They are a call to embrace the adventure that lies before each of us. To unlock the inner hero in our children’s hearts, and to live a life fueled by purpose that serves something greater than themselves. Oh, and a little bit of whimsy.

After all, isn't that what the world needs a little more of?